First steps
Our Overseas Patient Services Department will respond to enquiries by post, telephone or email from patients interested in coming to the centre for treatment.
If you are taking specific medications, we will advise you on availability in China and if necessary recommend that you bring a supply with you.
We will arrange for a caregiver to be ready to start working for you as soon as you arrive.
Prospective patients will be asked to email their medical history and MRIs (from immediately post-injury as well as the most recent MRIs) and/or X rays.
After arrival you will meet with the medical team to discuss your medical history in detail.You will have a comprehensive medical check-up including ASIA assessment, spasticity assessment (Ashworth), Walking index for Spinal Cord Injury (WISCI), Kunming Locomotor Scale (KLS), pain level assessment(VISUAL ANALOG SCALE),MRIs, blood, urine and stool tests, liver function test and blood type test. Someone from the Overseas Patient Services Team will accompany you throughout this process.
Following evaluation of your medical history, MRIs and the results of clinical examinations, the medical team may or may not recommend surgery.
If surgery is advised and you agree, surgery will be carried out as soon as possible.
If surgery is not advised or if you do not wish to undergo surgery, you will begin the rehabilitation programme immediately.
If you don't speak Chinese, don't worry! Members of the team are always available to help patients communicate with the hospital nurses and rehab therapists。
Food-----(Tips:Food can be ordered by phone and delivered to your room.)

● Payment options
The hospital accepts Renminbi, foreign currency and credit cards (VISA and MASTERCARD).
Bills settled with VISA or MASTERCARD incur a 3% service charge, of which the hospital assumes 1% and the patient 2%.
● Treatment costs
We can give you an estimate of treatment costs by email or by phone.
Leisure and recreation
Fuxian Lake
With clean water and beautiful scenery, Fuxian Lake is a popular week-end destination a few hours’ drive from Kunming.