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Dr. Wise Young visited our center with a group of neurosurgeons and rehab therapists from India

Author:admin Source:本站原创 Time: Hits:8015 [Large Middle Small]

  Dr. Wise Young, the professor of Rutgers University visited the International Spinal Cord Injury Treatment Center at Kunming Tongren Hospital with a group of well-known neurosurgeons and rehab therapists from India to learn the experiences of the umbilical cord blood mononuclear cell transplantation surgery for spinal cord injury and Kunming Locomotor training method on Aug. 27-30, 2015.

  Dr. Zhu Hui was sharing her team’s experiences of conducting the umbilical cord blood mononuclear cell transplantation surgery with the visiting group.

  Dr. Wise Young was showing surgeons the site of injection

  The group was visiting the Rehab area

  Morning exercise for people in wheelchair

  Neurosurgeons observed the untethering surgery
