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Walking therapy

Author:admin Source:Original Time: Hits:8401 [Large Middle Small]




     A therapist guides the person’s legs as he steps, supporting his own weight.  This method stimulates the entire nervous system and encourages recovery of residual function.  

  Development of a practical walking therapy method for people with spinal cord injury and the “Kunming walking scale”

  Below :

  LevelⅠ:Able to sit in wheelchair

  LevelⅡ:Able to stand with support of the wheeled walker,with one person supporting both knees

  Level Ⅲ:Standing independently with the support of the wheeled walker

  Level Ⅳ:Walking with the support of the wheeled walker and a person pulling strips of cloth wrapped around the knees

  Level Ⅴ:Walking independently with the support of the wheeled walker

  Level Ⅵ:Walking independently with a four-point walker

  Level Ⅶ:Walking independently with crutches

  Level Ⅷ:Walking independently with a four point cane

  Level Ⅸ:Staggering along independently

  Level Ⅹ:Normal walking
