SCI patients enrollment for the clinical trial sponsored by HKSCI Fund
Author:admin Source:本站原创 Time: Hits:7327
Hong Kong Spinal Cord Injury Fund (HKSCI Fund) has approved Dr. Zhuhui’s proposal of “A Randomized and Prospective Controlled Clinical Trial of Surgical Decompression/Untethering Combined with Weight Bearing Rehabilitation in Patients with Chronic Spinal Cord Injury”. The clinical trial will be conducted by Dr. Zhuhui’s team at the International Spinal Cord Injury Treatment Center at Tongren Hospital. Now we are recruiting 30 patients with chronic spinal cord injury. The patients will be divided into 2 groups, one group is for “surgical untethering + rehabilitation”, another one is for “rehabilitation only”. This is a 1 year program, and the enrolled patients’ expenses of the surgery and rehabilitation will be free during the trial.
Inclusion Criteria (Chronic SCI):
1.Male or female adult subjects, 18-60 years of age
2.Have a clinical diagnosis of chronic SCI
3.Neurological examination: ASIA-A
4.Injury levels: C5-L1 spinal levels
5.The diagnosis of SCI is confirmed by MRI
6.Subjects must be able to read, write and complete visual analogue scale
7.Voluntarily signs and dates an informed Consent form, approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB)/Independent Ethics Committee (IEC), prior to any study-specific procedures.
Exclusion Criteria:
1.Severe head injury
2.Sign of kidney, cardiovascular, liver disorders
3.Subjects with internal medical and/or infectious diseases (including but not limited to Hepatitis B and HIV carriers)
4.Pregnant women or women at lactation stages
5.Medically or mentally unstable according to the judgment of the investigator
6.History of multiple sclerosis or peripheral demyelination
7.Any criteria which, in the opinion of the investigator, suggests that the subject would not be compliant with the study protocol
Anyone who meets the criteria is welcomed to contact us.
Contact info: 86(871) 64562222